CE Provider Information

Organizations or educational providers who are interested in requesting pre-approval of their educational events should complete the Uniform Provider/Sponsor Continuing Education Request Approval Form. There is an annual fee of $350 charged to the provider to evaluate CEU programs which is renewed on December 1 of each year. 

Click HERE To Apply

Course Approval Information

Program Evaluation Guidelines

The Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice uses a set of specific guidelines in the evaluation of programs, either on-site or home study, for the award of Hours/Continuing Education Units (CEU) of credit, as follows:

  • Each completed CE Program Approval Form must also include a speaker bio, meeting/seminar agenda, and curriculum summary.  
  • Each hour is evaluated as 50 minutes of activity plus a 10 minute break; i.e., 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon program will receive 3 hours, with up to 30 minutes allowed for breaks.
  • For CE credit, a program must fall within one of the following four categories of funeral service related content areas approved by the American Board of Funeral Service Education:
    • Public Health and Technical Sciences including embalming, restorative art, etc.
    • Business Management including computer applications, marketing, personnel management, accounting, etc.
    • Social Science including communication skills, both written and oral, sociological factors, counseling, grief psychology, etc.
    • Legal, Ethical, Regulatory including OSHA, FTC, ethical issues, legal interpretations, etc.
  • The program must be sponsored by a provider for which continuing education programming is part of the overall provider mission.
  • Program speakers must possess professional credentials appropriate to the subjects covered in the program.
  • The program must contain demonstrable educational content, as evaluated by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice.
  • Programs submitted for the intent of advertising or promoting programs, products or services will not be accepted.

Credits are not allowed for such activities as social occasions, meals, receptions, sporting tournaments, etc. If a portion of this type event contains educational content, that portion only will receive CE credit. (i.e., banquet with an educational speaker would provide credit for the time of the speech only). It is the responsibility of the program provider to alert the Academy office to the length of the educational content for which credit is sought.

Click Here for CE Program Approval Form


NOTE: The APFSP CE Program Application form is accepted by the Academy and by many state licensing boards that require continuing education for funeral service professionals. CEU requests approved by the Academy are intended as approval for Academy members. Please contact the appropriate state licensing board for additional information regarding their continuing education criteria.